Rejuvenate Your Body and Mind with Massage Treatments in Edmonton

Discover the Healing Power of Massage Treatments

Our massage treatments offer a holistic approach to wellness, targeting physical discomfort and promoting relaxation and rejuvenation. From soothing relaxation massages to therapeutic deep tissue techniques, our skilled massage therapists in Edmonton, Alberta, provide personalized care to address each client's unique needs. At The Soothing Relief Massage Clinic, we prioritize client comfort and satisfaction, ensuring a serene and welcoming environment for every session. Experience the benefits of our diverse massage offerings, tailored to relieve stress, alleviate muscle tension, and enhance overall well-being. Feel relaxed with our team of experienced massage therapists in Edmonton, Alberta.

How the Service Works

Our massage treatments stand out for their comprehensive approach to healing, combining various techniques to address specific concerns effectively. With a focus on individualized care and attention to detail, we strive to exceed client expectations and provide a truly transformative experience.

How the Service Works:

Experience the Process of Our Massage Treatments

Our massage treatments begin with a thorough consultation to understand your unique needs and preferences. Step two involves selecting the most suitable massage therapy from our diverse range, including relaxation, deep tissue, and hot stone massages. During the session, our skilled massage therapists in Edmonton, Alberta, apply expert techniques to address tension and discomfort, promoting relaxation and improved circulation. With personalized care and attention to detail, we ensure a soothing and rejuvenating experience tailored to your specific concerns. Our client-centric approach and commitment to excellence make our massage treatments efficient and effective in promoting overall well-being.

The Soothing Relief Massage Clinic's approach to massage therapy is distinguished by our dedication to personalized care and exceptional results. By combining various massage techniques with a focus on client comfort and satisfaction, we provide a holistic approach to healing and relaxation. Trust our experienced massage therapists in Edmonton, Alberta, to deliver a transformative experience that leaves you feeling restored and rejuvenated.

Our Massage Treatments:

Our Massage Treatments:

Benefits of Choosing Massage Treatments at The Soothing Relief Massage Clinic:

  • Personalized Care: Tailored massage therapies cater to individual needs.

  • Stress Reduction: Experience relaxation and relief from daily stressors.

  • Muscle Tension Relief: Alleviate muscle stiffness and tension.

  • Improved Circulation: Enhance blood flow for better overall health.

  • Mental Wellness Promotion: Massage promotes mental relaxation and well-being.

  • Pain Management Support: Helps alleviate discomfort and pain from various conditions.

  • Natural Healing Support: Stimulates the body's natural healing mechanisms.

  • Immune Function Boost: Enhances immune system function.

  • Detoxification Encouragement: Supports the body's detoxification processes.

  • Holistic Well-being: Promotes overall physical, mental, and emotional balance.

  • Skilled Therapists: Receive expert care from our professional massage therapists in Edmonton, Alberta.

  • Rejuvenation: Feel rejuvenated and balanced after each session.

Benefits of Choosing Massage Treatments at The Soothing Relief Massage Clinic


Relaxation Massage

Using smooth and gentle glides, the Relaxation massage is invigorating. It affects and benefits the nervous system, muscles, lymphatic system, and circulation.

Note: If you are pregnant please book a prenatal massage. Read contraindication Note on that service.

30min - $70

45min - $85

60min - $100

75min - $120

90min - $140

Package of 3

60min – $270 (Save $30, $10 off per massage)

Deep Tissue Massage

Sufferers of chronic pain, fibromyalgia, headaches, back pain, and even carpal tunnel syndrome may find significant relief from Deep Tissue Massage. The pressure exerted on different group of muscles tissue, stimulates circulation in areas of pain.

30min - $80

45min - $95

60min - $110

75min - $130

90min - $150

Package of 3

60min – $300 (Save $30, $10 off per massage)

Myofascial Cupping Massage

An amazing technique used to promote nutrient-rich blood to areas, providing increased circulation to stretch muscle tissue. The myofascial cups are positioned over right muscles and fascia.


Couple’s Massage

Enjoy an hour of Relaxation or Deep Tissue Massage with your favorite person. Enjoy the experience of relief together in the same room.

60min Relaxation – $200 per couple

60min Deep Tissue – $220 per couple

Pre-Natal/Post-Natal Massage

Massage therapy during and after pregnancy is a wonderful complimentary choice for Pre-Natal/Post-Natal care. It is a healthy way to reduce stress and promote overall wellness.

 Note: It is contraindicated to have a massage in your first trimester of pregnancy.


Hot Stone Massage

Overly tense muscles can hinder the massage procedure. Our heated stones will provide the extra relazation that your stressed ans stiff muscles may need. This will result in a more beneficial massage to ease your muscles.


Lymphatic Drainage Massage

Lymphatic drainage massage is a profound technique to help increase lymph flow. With an increase of lymph flow immune function is increased. Harmful substances are removed from the tissues and neutralized in the nodes. It has also been shown that are increase in lymph flow simulates and increased production of lymphocytes-enhancing immune function.


Client Reviews

Fatima N.

Highly recommend Grace and Amy, they’re incredible at deep tissue! Cindy the receptionist is also the sweetest. The place is clean and well organized, I cannot say enough good things!!

Josie Raven

I love this massage clinic! Very nice and soothing atmosphere. I’ve had prenatal and relaxation massages here with both Amy and Lesly. Great experience every time and I leave feeling rejuvenated!

Abigail Stewart

“Lovely spa, Lesley is the best massage therapist.“

Carolyn N

“Amy is my favourite massage therapist ever! I tend to get a lot of knots and she knows how to get rid of them very well. I would highly recommend her. Thanks so much Amy for al these years!“

Greg Johnson

“My wife and I have had a few couples massages and each went for a hot stone massage. They have all been excellent and very relaxing. We’ve had Leslie, Maria and Jen and they are all great. It is a very clean and peaceful atmosphere. My wife and I have definitely found the best massage clinic in Edmonton.“

FAQs: Massage Treatments

Contact The Soothing Relief Massage Clinic

Expert Massage Therapists in Edmonton, Alberta

Welcome to The Soothing Relief Massage Clinic, where our experienced massage therapists in Edmonton, Alberta, are dedicated to your well-being. Whether you're seeking relaxation, pain relief, or specialized treatment, we're here to help. Contact us today to schedule your personalized massage session and experience the healing benefits of our services. Your journey to wellness starts here. Reach out to us by filling out the form.

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